Monday - Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: 704-799-2878
Fax: 704-799-1627
Please call during office hours to set up appointments or to speak with our staff.
The doctors take emergency calls from their homes after hours.
After Hours, some lunch meeting periods, weekend and Holiday calls are forwarded to a nurse-managed triage answering service. Call center nurses who assist us in answering your calls have a great deal of pediatric experience. We monitor their advice, but the Physician "on-call" is available to speak with you, if needed, for urgent matters at your request. You will access this service by calling our regular office number. Please call during regular office hours should you need prescription refills or information concerning non-medical related matters.
Call the main office number, and our answering service will call a doctor to call you back. Please save routine questions (mild illness, appointments, prescription refills) for the morning.
We encourage you to refer to our website first, when practical, before calling the office. A phone nurse is available during office hours to answer any routine questions you might have about your child.
136 Gateway Blvd Suite A
Mooresville, NC 28117
Monday - Friday?
8am - 5pm
Closed Sundays